Quality Policy

While ISO 9001:2015 certified since 2024, we follow standard policies since 2021 and CHK fulfill the following quality policies bellow stated.

Sustainability of the Organization 

We focus on making good use of resources to achieve the defined objectives and goals.

We focus on the identification and operationalization of actions that result in the visibility of the company, in the national and international market, and that can culminate in profitable results for investors.

We are focused on developing the skills of ALL our EMPLOYEES.

We believe that EVERYONE, as a TEAM, can contribute to the fulfillment of Our Vision.

Customer Focus

We provide an environment of trust to the customer so that the desired level of service is satisfactory, complying with the commitments made.

We use tools that allow us to efficiently respond to Our Customer's requests.

We are committed to finding the best solution that suits the needs of CUSTOMERS, including those of a financial nature.

We are quick to respond to orders, we present realistic delivery times and always at a fair and transparent value

We keep OUR CUSTOMERS informed about updates to solutions and services.

Quality and Improvement 

We work to continuously provide customer confidence to convey that the desired level of service will be achieved, and whenever possible, outdated or improved.

We assume Continuous Improvement as a Management practice and work continuously on the optimization of Processes.

Responsible Attitude

We consider it essential to use auscultation and motivation mechanisms of OUR Employees to build a Motivated and High Performance Team.

We are committed to creating conditions for EVERYONE to work in an environment of safety, comfort and well-being.

We strive to respond rigorously and in a timely manner to all requirements, namely legal, fiscal, contractual and other assumed with Employees, Customers and Suppliers.